The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103118   Message #2100380
Posted By: GUEST,listener
11-Jul-07 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
So, the Nazis have taken over the environmental movement. What began as eugenics is now climate change.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, of California, is a nazi. The June 14 cover of Time magazine shows him wearing an SS belt buckle. Probably belonged to his father, who was an SS officer:,16641,20070625,00.html

So after WW2 the death camp eugenics doctors were saved in order to continue their research. The sterilization programs continued under other names, and now the child of a Nazi officer is running California while he talks about "niggers" and issues environmental statements like:

"We begin a bold new era of environmental protection here in California that will change the course of history.... This is something that we owe our children and we owe our grandchildren. We can save our planet and boost our economy at the same time.... This is a win-win for safeguarding the planet's future and making our economy strong in a sustainable way."

So the son of an SS officer is now pushing the "green" movement in California. He wants to rid the world of what he calls "niggers" (his word, not mine) while he wants to save the planet, and he uses words like "sustainable" in a way that implies population reduction.

Anyway, there's Schwarzenegger on the "right," while on the "left" we have Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar, the scholarship named after Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes said, "I contend that we are the first race in the world and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human raceā€¦" The encyclopedia Britannica says the Rhodes Scholarship is an, "educational grant to the University of Oxford, established in 1902 by the will of Cecil Rhodes for the purpose of promoting unity among English-speaking nations." Some biographies of Rhodes say he wanted to conquer the world, and when he saw it couldn't be done in his lifetime he set up the scholarship program to make sure that his IDEAS eventually conquered the world. His ideas centered on thoughts about a Master Race.

And Clinton began implementing the murder of "inferiors" when he was governor of Arkansas. His wildly successful tainted blood program is still killing people:

So Rhodes Scholarship-trained Bill Clinton begins a mass eugenics career when he's governor of Arkansas, then he participates in slaughter when he's president (active participant in Yugoslavia, passive in Rwanda). He also expands into the area of environmentalism, as all his fellow Nazi-mentality peers are doing. Clinton is EXPECTED to support environmentalism, because he's a purported "liberal." His curtailment of individual freedoms in the name of "helping the planet" are too numerous to go into. Basically, if he could screw people out of property ownership and claim it was for the good of the planet, he did it.

Ditto for Hillary Clinton. She's voted against constitutional rights and freedoms time and again, and when she can, she does it behind the cause of environmentalism.

GWBush and Schwarzenegger on the right, the Clintons on the left. All working for one-child policies that will mean the end of humanity (takes two kids for a couple to replace itself). Carbon taxes, one-child policies, abortions being pushed worldwide, private property ownership being described as bad (governments can better manage the land). It's death by a thousand cuts.

The ruling elite of the world think they have the right to rule us (social Darwinism). They will kill us with tainted blood, warfare, abortion, starvation, etc. Whatever it takes to reduce the numbers capable of challenging them. Look up "codex alimentarius." That's the plan to regulate "dangerous" things like vitamin C. We are going to be literally starved into a smaller, more easily managed size, like the Romans used to do to their conquered peoples. People in the future will be fed a nutrient-poor vegan diet and will never grow to more than five and a half feet tall. Compliments of the chain of thought running from Nietzche to Darwin to the Saxe-Coburg-Windsors to Margaret Sanger to Adolph Hitler to Joseph Mengele to the George Bushes to the Clintons.

Environmentalism is just another way to cheat you out of your natural right of growth. The nazis in charge of the environmental movement want to kill you.