The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103252   Message #2101074
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
12-Jul-07 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Slug Control?
Subject: RE: BS: Slug Control?
Slug pellets are supposed to be 'pet' friendly, and so the Pbi ones are... but only if they're ingested in their raw, natural state. If your cat eats slugs, don't put Pbi pellets down. If the cat eats the slugs that have eaten the slug pellets, the cat will be very ill. There is something about the chemical reaction that affects the kidneys. It makes the cat very poorly and the vet very rich. If you're really lucky, you'll have bright turquoise vomit to clear up from the house too.

Slugs aren't bugs, they're molluscs.

Cat pee gets rid of them. One of my flower pots was totally annihalated by the slugs. Shadow cat adopted it as a litter tray, not realising there were potatoes in there. No slugs and the potatoes are doing well... not sure I'm going to eat them though!