The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101789   Message #2102201
Posted By: Jim Lad
14-Jul-07 - 02:37 AM
Thread Name: Amplified buskers strike again
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
I wonder how many of you have worked away at your jobs, over the years, content because the wages were adequate but often daydreaming about what you would otherwise do if you gave up that job.
I am a daydreamer. There's always some grand scheme that I'll ponder over when my head hits the pillow and yet, I could count on one hand, how many times I've actually gone and prepared myself just in case I got the opportunity I wanted. Thus when I have found myself suddenly unemployed, I have usually been unable to follow up on my schemes.
Here's another trait of mine. When it comes to performing I set a very high standard for myself. So high that I am rarely satisfied with my own work and even more rarely pleased by the performances of others. Somehow I've applied my rules to other performers and am disappointed when they do not live up to my expectations. Of course, I catch myself but it's a constant struggle.
I am also guilty of becoming so used to the way I do something complicated that I fail to see the simple solution which is right under my nose. A recent example of this is when I was trying to reproduce some album booklets for my wife's band. I copied the cover into word but couldn't manage to reproduce the booklet to the exact same dimensions from the printer. It wasn't until I explained to Brenda and heard myself say "Copied" that I realized I was adding an extra step. It's a Printer/Copier. There was never any need for "Word".

Which brings me to your situation, Muttley. You've obviously been through a lot (understated) and just like most of us, your ability to perform is very important to you.
Just like me, you have your own preconceived notion of what your performance entails whether it is a paying or busking gig and just like me, you are a slave to your own rules. Fair enough.
I had thought about suggesting that you start running "Open Mikes" in as many cafe's as you could find. I have done this in the past and had some success with it but it involves playing each of these gigs by yourself, until such time as there are enough performers to play the whole night.
Then today, Muttley; You absolutely blew me away with your "Writing" on another thread. . (take a look at the stories he tells about "Banjo" and how he tells them)
I am guilty of not reading the names on others' contributions unless the make an interesting point so I didn't realize it was you until I was finished reading.

We sing songs to make the story, more user friendly to the inattentive ear. We do this because we quite simply do not have the skills to entertain with words alone.
You have the skills.
You have the words.
You have the stories.
Just as I did not need "Word", your writing has no need for music.
You will always miss playing. Well, at least for a while but you have another way to entertain and that, my friend, puts you a damn site farther ahead than many of us.

It's not an easy game but at least it's a level playing field and that's a whole lot more than I can say for busking.

That's been my rant for the day, Mate but I refuse to pay any more heed to what you can no longer do now that I can see that you can do a whole lot more than I can.

There are many experienced writers on Mudcat who can offer advice and I'd start with Katlaughing.
She is a fabulous writer with a heart of pure gold and a good head on her shoulders. (for an American. grin)

Said my piece/peace!
Kind Regards.