The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103287   Message #2103290
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
15-Jul-07 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: Starting a Folk Club
Subject: RE: Starting a Folk Club
all i'm saying is that some artists - Robert Johnson and leadbelly spring to mind immediately - found techniques in those rough houses that they incorporated into their more serious compositions. There is stuff to be learned out there - if you're the sort of person who does learn, and if you are approach your work with any seriousness - you are perpetually hungry to learn.

I was amazed the first evening I was in Spain. this guitarist in a bar played what I thought was 'flamenco' but it turned out was Catalan music - anyway amazing stuff! after a while he calmly put his guitar in its case, put on an apron and went to work frying the chips in a deep fat fryer.

You see this guy was playing - not just for advancement or status of some kind, or even recognition from some dumb English tourists - but because his life was better than being someone who didn't play.

Bottom line - I think we do it cos its a neurotic alternative to being an ordinary human being. So do it where you can - even in folk clubs.