The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103191   Message #2103356
Posted By: Anne Lister
15-Jul-07 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: How heavy are farts ?
Subject: RE: BS: How heavy are farts ?
McArthur's Fart?
There are two famous stories told of historic farts, both remarkably similar is in the 1001 Nights, and the other is about a nobleman at the time of Elizabeth I. In both cases, a fairly important person is unfortunate enough to let one rip in the presence of someone still more important (a Sultan in the 1001 Nights, or Liz I) and out of mortification feels they have to flee the country. This poor chap (always male) stays away for years and years, and finally feels able to return to court, where the first thing they hear is either a mother telling a child "that was the year when ?Abdul farted" or the queen saying "Yes, Sir X, we have completely forgot the fart."
Are there any cultures where farting is acceptable, I wonder?
