The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102615   Message #2103505
Posted By: autolycus
15-Jul-07 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: .
Subject: RE: .
I nquote:

I talk to myself. i used to talk to other people but I found out that half the time , they're not listening anyway, so why should I knock myself out. I cut out the middle man and I talk straight to myself.

I don't interrupt, I listen to what i got to say, if I don't like the subject, i don't   bring it up.   

if I got something stupid to say, i tell it to someone else. let them listen. The good things I keep for myself.

End quote.

And Virgos have trouble with meaning 'cos they keep getting lost in the details - the meaning is in the wood compltet (or even ..........................

sorry - thread drift.

anyway as I wasn't saying - er -er -er - if it was far far far away then it follows that............

And we do have to take riskes because the blancmange falling from...........................

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the football served tarman until...............

Has anyone seen my ................................? No?

Working-cass tories terrorise wings off the side of the fr......................

The French , on the other, almost always never unless until...............

A sandwich calls. I have some damned bright sandwiches living here.

Hallo/         Hallo?      Anyone t....   Thought so not.
