The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102635   Message #2105170
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
17-Jul-07 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: Salman Rushdie - Outrage.
Subject: RE: Salman Rushdie - Outrage.
As noted before, "The Satanic Verses" is written on several levels. It can be read as an allegorical novel, but for fuller understanding it requires a basic knowledge of Islamic beliefs (including heresies; think of the 'gospels' not included in our bible). Helpful is a nodding aquaintance with old literature of the Middle East and an awareness of political and social change of the last 100 years. Nevertheless, it has gone through many printings in several translations as well as English and is one of the most widely read novels of recent years.
It is not the best book with which to become acquainted with perhaps the greatest living writer. He had written several others which are more 'accessible,' at least to those who claim to literacy.
His writings are not for those whose ideas of literature have not advanced beyond those embodied in romance novels or facile adventure pulp or tabloid prose.