The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10640   Message #210674
Posted By: M. Ted (inactive)
12-Apr-00 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: Song for Neo-Nazi groups.
Subject: RE: Song for Neo-Nazi groups.

Regretably, I am going to voice a dissenting opionion on your song--and of the kind of finger pointing t that you used when you brought this thread back to life--

I think that your "You are the bad guys, change your evil ways" stance that plays well with the crowd--

The song provides no insight, but it focusses the crowds emotions--it does make the performer and author look like one of the "good guys"--because he or she so clearly takes a stand against what the crowd knows is wrong--

In this way, it excercises the same opportunism that we find fault with in politicians--

The problem is that, when you focus the emotions of a crowd with finger pointing, and expressions of righteous anger, and paint these people as arch villains, you neatly set the stage for them to arouse public emotions including fear, rage, despair, and outrage with relatively minor acts--

London survived the first Nazi blitz--why let the damage from a few nail bombs from a much smaller, much weaker, and much less important group of Neo-Nazi create a climate of fear and despair? All this finger pointing and villification makes them seem much greater than they are--