The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103280   Message #2108448
Posted By: Peace
22-Jul-07 - 12:45 AM
Thread Name: Tintin In The Congo
Subject: RE: Tintin In The Congo
We live in a world of contradictions. But we DO know that comic is just plain wrong.

As to the meat-eating thing: I've tracked and shot my supper, gutted it, skinned it, cooked it and eaten it. I've prepared steers for market, helped load 'em and send them off. I've been inside the holding pens and inside on the killing floor. My eldest was with me when we took the catch from some rabbit snares. She helped clean 'em and cook 'em. She also helped a neighbour on the reserve cut up a moose for drying. She's aware that if you are going to eat it you best be prepared to do the dirty work, too.

The Tintin thing is different. Damn. I KNOW you know that, LH. rhinos and humans are NOT the same. We should know better than to hurt others in that manner.


As to a remark above suggesting I don't know what revisionist history is: like hell I don't. It has nothing to do with 1905 or 1917. It has to do with Whites talking for others as if it was the most natural thing--accepted by the secondary 'races'. "If God hadn't meant us to be superior he wouldn't have made us superior" kinda crap. (Nice try, but no banana). And that shit gets printed in the books. Find a redeeming quality in "Tintin au Congo". Let me know what it is. Thank you.