The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103475 Message #2108489
Posted By: goatfell
22-Jul-07 - 05:27 AM
Thread Name: the Marina Inn (Tuesday session-Irvine, Scotland)
Subject: the Marina Inn
There is a pub/cafe down in Irvine Scotland that on a Tuesday we have a wee session, a proper session, that isn't organiszed at all, well knid off,it starts at 9pm and finishes god knows when after midnight, and if you do want to come please come after 8.30pm to get a seat, or else you can sit anywhere really. there as singers including me that uses books and there are others that don't, we don't mind what you do just as long as you sing, or if you don't sing you ca nbring your husbands or wives or partners so that they can sit in among us as well.