The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103474   Message #2108524
Posted By: Linda Goodman Zebooker
22-Jul-07 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: What's so wrong about Barbershop?
Subject: RE: What's so wrong about Barbershop?
Some years ago in Chautauqua NY, our mainly classical community choir did a program in conjunction with our big local men's barbershop group. In the nine years I was with the Jamestown Choral Society, that concert is one of my absolute favorites. I still listen to a tape I made of one the rehearsals.

Our choir did a very straightforward arrangement of "Annie Laurie", which I've since sung at an Open Sing and people have thanked me for doing it -they like the song so much. We also all sang "God Bless America"- the performance was right after the Oklahoma City bombing, and that sentimental, patriotic song suddenly seemed very appropriate and healing.

Best of all was performing the song "Lida Rose/Will I Ever Tell You" from the musical "The Music Man". While the ladies in my choir sang "Will I Ever Tell You", we were wooed by our men singers and thirty guys in green satin jackets and bow ties singing "Lida Rose". My heart is still a'flutter at the memory!

It's like any music, if you put in overly sentimental elements, it gets cloying. If you put your heart into it, and the emotions are genuine, then it resonates.
