The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103474   Message #2108618
Posted By: Azizi
22-Jul-07 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: What's so wrong about Barbershop?
Subject: RE: What's so wrong about Barbershop?
John 'Giok' MacKenzie, I did not mean to imply by either of my post to this thread that I liked or disliked Barbershop music.

In my first post to this thread, in response to a statement that eric the red made, I attempted to share information about the origin and history of barbershop music.

In my second post to this thread I noted that no one who had posted to this thread acknowledged or commented about the post I had made about that history-presumably because no one was interested in that aspect of the discussion.

My last statement of my second comment reflected my opinion regarding why this forum has so few Black people or other people of color. I made two assumptions in that statement-

1. If there were an online folk/blues discussion forum somewhat like Mudcat [in which members and guests could create threads and posts about folk/blues subjects and non-folk/blues subjests] that had more Black posters, some of those posters would have commented about a comment which shared information about the African American history and origin of barbershop quartet music

2. If there were more discussion of subjects about or related to Black origins of barbershop music and other Black musical genres than maybe there would be more Black posters and posters who were people of color on Mudcat.

I don't know if either of these assumptions are true. I know that particularly the last assumption isn't the whole story. But my last comment was decidedly off topic.

I'm sorry for including in this thread.