The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32340   Message #2109432
Posted By: Genie
23-Jul-07 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: any new mondegreens?
Subject: RE: any new mondegreens?
Yesterday in a jam session one of the guys did a Gospel song that at first sounded for all the world like it began:

"When my toilet is over ... "

I wouldn't help thinking, "Shouldn't it be 'When my toilet RUNS over ... '?"

But since that concept didn't fit the rest of the lyrics, I figured he must have really been singing, "When my toil, it is over ... "

Turns out, the actual lyric is "When my toiling is over ..."

But with an opening line like that, I still think the song cries out for a parody along the lines of "When my toilet runs over."
