The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103529   Message #2110160
Posted By: mandotim
24-Jul-07 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: What is wrong with polo?
Subject: RE: BS: What is wrong with polo?
Isn't polo the cissy, Westernised version of Buzkashi, the Afghan game played with a dead goat as a ball and no rules about not killing each other or other niceties like that? I'd make Buzkashi compulsory sport at all Public Schools, and for anyone earning over a given level. Increase Death Duties to 100% for the very rich, and bingo; instant wealth redistribution. Mind you, I was upset when they banned foxhunting; used to kill a dozen of the b+£$%@£ds a year.

I am currently licking the inside of my buccinator, by the way.
Tim :)