The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103480   Message #2110490
Posted By: Alba
24-Jul-07 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secrets of Witchcraft
Subject: RE: BS: Secrets of Witchcraft
Thanks for the info Leeneia..LOL.

What a bloody day.
The 2nd free spell is a doozee. Do not try this at Home or in the Park or at the Bus Stop or in your car.

It is a spell called the BBB special. (what the heck is that I hear some of you say!!?)
Let me take you back, way back, to last night. After my Tea I thought ah feck it, let's give this freebie spell a spin and see if it can fly.
So I followed the instructions in my email and wampamaloompa! There it was, floating in front of me. The one, the only (and the rather large I might add)..... BumperBlissBubble.

It was a wonderous sight as it went floating around my sitting room. After what seemed like oh, 10 seconds or so, the beautiful bubble descended from the ceiling and settled over my head and slowly wrapped it's bubbley stuff around me till I was , for all intents and purposes, trapped inside it's blissfullness.
Immediately a feeling of rapture came over me. Very nice says I. Oh everything seemed so well... bloody blissfull, like floating on Cloud Nine. ( although I must admit that I have only experienced Cloud 5 so far but I imagine this is what like Cloud 9 might be like)

My telephone rang. I answered it. Jane Doe (name changed to protect the innocent) my friend,was calling me to tell me about an verbal disagreement she had just had with her new close "friend". She was very upset. Me. I couldn't have given a rat's arse about how she might be feeling. I was in seventh heaven. I was so wrapped up in the Bliss Bubble that eventually poor Jane just hung up on me. Now over a period of say an hour my telephone rang 4 or 5 times. These calls being from People I know well and who are, or have been. going through that most Human of all experiences... Life and all that goes with it. Did I care? Did I feck.
There I was sitting in my Bliss Bubble. Strange thing though, as the power of the spell wained I found that being Blissed out ain't all it's cracked to be.
I was looking at the TV and the News was on and thought, huh, I don't care, but you know what. I did really.

Just as well blissfullness/rapture/ecstacy ect are mearly temporary feelings I can tell you.

I have decided not to post the 2nd freebee spell Mary. You don't need this stinkin spell, none of us do. I like Life, warts and all (well hair now actually since I used that weird tincture but you can shave hair off unlike warts ~ ouch!)
So you will all be (well some of you will be) happy to know that I am back to my old slightly abnormal self. To those that have been damaged during the time I was under the influence of this freebee spell I offer my sincere apologies...oh and I miss you Jane Doe (you know who you are). Call me..Pleeze...Pretty Pleeze.

soggy slippers, spider's flippers

Micca. I had an little incident while removing the lips from a Tartar this afternoon. He is not happy. Any Ideas?

Tinker...don't hurt me......think Bon Jovi and the SOS song will leave your head faster than you can say..Livin on a prayer *grin*.