The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103549   Message #2110774
Posted By: IanC
25-Jul-07 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Widdershins - superstitions
Subject: RE: Folklore: Widdershins - superstitions
Despite all the *crap* you'll find if you do an internet search, there are a few examples of the supersition in the 20th and 21st centuries. Here's an example from Kent ...

Memories of West Kingsdown (Northwest Kent, UK) in the 1950s - Maggie Exon

When we were very little we were not too happy about walking home from school through the churchyard although that was a quick way. We hated the tombstones which were vaguely body shaped and found it all pretty spooky. We believed firmly in the superstition that you should not walk widdershins (anti-clockwise) round the church because if you did all sorts of ghoulies and ghosties would come out and get you.

Oddly, it seems to have been encouraged for cheeses in Gloucestershire ... or maybe the blessing negates the curse?

First Sunday in May, blessing of the cheeses, Randwick, UK. Prior to the next Saturday's ancient cheese-rolling ceremony/game, the 'Randwick Wap', the cheeses – usually three double Gloucesters – are rolled mystically and anticlockwise around the Church after being blessed.
