The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103538   Message #2111613
Posted By: GUEST,sparticus
26-Jul-07 - 06:42 AM
Thread Name: Real story of Vin Garbutt & Cambridge
Subject: RE: Real story of Vin Garbutt & Cambridge
What I can't get my head around is that if it's lawful to sanction abortion because having a child is "inconvenient" at a certain point in a persons' life, why is euthanasia not acceptable when the old become a burden? Or is that in the pipeline? PMB says that campagning for the rights of the unborn child is an issue for the far right. I would contend that it's exactly the opposite. Wasn't it the fascist regimes of the past and those of the present who rid themselves of those who didn't or don't fit into their idea of utopia? I applaud Vin's stance and at the same time sympathise with any woman's decision to abort. Living with that decision must be very hard indeed.