The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103538   Message #2111674
Posted By: Giant Folk Eyeball (inactive)
26-Jul-07 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: Real story of Vin Garbutt & Cambridge
Subject: RE: Real story of Vin Garbutt & Cambridge
QUOTE: "To Nigel Spencer, I would try to listen to some of Vin's enormous output prior to judging him on one item."

As a consumer, it's my right to judge a performer on whatever grounds I see fit. Life's too short to do otherwise. I'm sure VG has done some marvellous stuff, but singing an anti-abortion songs doesn't endear him to me and given that there are so many artists out there singing other stuff I do want to hear, I'll pass, thanks... I felt the same about Black Uhuru and their song 'Abortion'. After hearing that I didn't really want to listen to them again. What it comes down to is that for me, anyone promoting a religious or political worldview that annoys me would have to be bloody amazing to get into my record collection or be singing in a language I can't understand or - preferably - both (eg Nusrat Fatah Ali Khan). Wouldn't want to impose this view on others - but then I'm not religious, so I'm not compelled to.

