The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20318   Message #211181
Posted By: Rick Fielding
13-Apr-00 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: Location of Mudcatters--bbc's policy
Subject: RE: Location of Mudcatters--bbc's policy
No Hyp, I'm afraid I must now qualify as the least photogenic Mudcatter. The picture posted recently by the charming, ebullient Bbc proves it in spades. It would appear that I was giving her a warm affectionate hug, but in reality....she was holding me up! I'm afraid those long nights of music revelry have taken a grim toll. Those bags under my eyes....the world-weary expression.... ahhh, it makes me want to burst into "When I was 17, it was a very good year..." Shouldn't be long before I add "September song" to the repertoire. 'Course, I could probably reverse the whole process by just not trying to read the entire Patons' library during every visit. These days I need more than a half hour's sleep every night!

Rick (former all-night guy!)