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Thread #103574   Message #2111960
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
26-Jul-07 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: Lack of Folk Music on BBC - thoughts
Subject: RE: Lack of Folk Music on BBC - thoughts
Head over parapet time.
Firstly good luck Dave.
Don't hide your bush under a lightel though, get stuck in.
Yes, of course your pithy comments will end up on the floor...(actually they won't, tape is a banned substance in BH'll just end up as a deleted file on their playserver!!)
As far as Live recordings Clubs/Festivals etc, Yes, The heady days of Jim Lloyd and Folkweave, not to mention the BBC Concert Hall gigs, where, by and large excellent. Probably helped that Jim was married to Frances Line, the controller of the network!!
Yes, one can get good results from a FOH board (given a decent engineer) but, you really do have to do a submix as without audience mics it will sound very empty, but although you need them for the recording, the last thing you want is audience on the PA. ie. splitting the feeds from stage.
Hence the BBCs usage of mobile trucks, All sizes, White vans with a little digi desk up to Sound 1 with an SSL 9000 monster in it!!
The other way is a carry in, about a year before I left, I recorded the CBS Big band Carol concert at the Purcell rooms. (for Late Junction as it happens) Lots of flight cases and split racks in the green room. Took two of us from 8 in the morning to (a de-rig) midnight. Not cheap, and that wasn't even with a truck!!

You might think this a bit over the top, but remember, if you are at a gig, you can see as well as hear. On the Radio, you've lost that extra dimension.
How many of you have been to see a fantastic act live, subsequently bought a CD of the concert, and were dissappointed?

You can just about get away with it for a duo or trio, (acoustic) but, add any electric stuff in, not to mention drums, and you've got a real mess.

I should know, I learnt the hard way!!!

Anyway Dave, Knock'em dead. Let us know when it goes out

Cheers Mate Ralph (BBC retired)