The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103529   Message #2112087
Posted By: sneeble
26-Jul-07 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: What is wrong with polo?
Subject: RE: BS: What is wrong with polo?
I used to play polocrosse, as recreational fun. Fun, fast and takes a fair bit of skill to get a horse to chase after a ball the size of a tennis ball. It was a darned sight cheaper than the other equestrian disciplines I did.
Never saw any class distinction, as most people turned up in gumboots and jeans anyway with their old trucks. The worst offenders for being sucked into town and country fashions were the spectators who would come out from the city to watch and of course the odd girl who wanted to get a guy from the country (yep I have seen them - they are scary and single-mindedly aggressive).