The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103616   Message #2112938
Posted By: Bru
27-Jul-07 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: A waste of good mahogany
Subject: RE: A waste of good mahogany
A few years ago one of the members of our club (not folk club) was a managing director of a large tool importing business in Lancashire.
We were always scrounging wood for the pot-belly stove in the clubroom, and he offered to drop off a wagon load of pallets and scap timber crates.
A great deal of it was mahogany; there were 1 inch planks, eight foot long and ranging in width from 6 inches right up to 10 or 12 inches. It was as hard as hell to saw, and even got the better of an electric chain saw. Most of it went to members who thought they could find a use for it, and we were glad to get rid of it.
It was quite crude; difficult to saw or plane, and hard work to use at all. We thought it might have been Peruvian Mahogany. Good luck to anybody trying to make a guitar of it.
I do know somebody who once made an acoustic guitar from an old wardrobe. Mid 1960's. Still plays today