The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103365   Message #2112946
Posted By: BB
27-Jul-07 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: Bideford Folk Festival Devon Aug13-19 2007
Subject: RE: Bideford Folk Festival Devon Aug13-19 2007
Have a great time, all of you!

It's sickening to have such a good festival on your doorstep, but being committed to be on the other side of the country, i.e. Broadstairs, that week. I know we'll have a wonderful week, as we have for the last - counts on fingers and toes and runs out... years, but still wish we could be back in good old Deb'n. Might get over there on the last day, but unlikely as we're off to France first thing on the Tuesday after.

Oh, b....r!
