The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6681 Message #2113816
Posted By: Goose Gander
29-Jul-07 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Been All Around This World
Horse Trader sung by Frank Pipkin, Arvin FSA Camp 1941/08/24
HORSE TRADER'S SONG Frank Pipkin Arvin, 1941
Where was you last winter, boys, When the ground was all covered in snow? Where was you last winter, boys, When the ground was all covered in snow? On the Blue Ridge Mountains, all wet, hungry and cold. God knows I've been all around this world.
Do you know these horse traders, Or do you know their plans? Do you know these horse traders, Or do you know their plans? Draggin' around from town to town and pullin' through the sand. God knows I've been all around this world.
Look ahead of your horses, boys, For yonder comes a man; Look ahead of your horses, boys, For yonder comes a man; And if we do snide him, we'll none get nary a dram. God knows I've been all around this world
Look ahead of your horses, boys, And yonder comes a plug; Look ahead of your horses, boys, For yonder comes a plug; And if we do snide him, we'll soon be out of grub. God knows I've been all around this world.
Look ahead of your horses, boys, And for yonder is a creek; Look ahead of your horses, boys, And for yonder is a creek; We'll drive out for supper and hobble on the grass. God knows I've been all around this world.
We'll send our women from house to house To get whatever they can; We'll send our women from house to house To get whatever they can; Lord sakes, yonder comes a woman with a hog jaw in each hand. God knows I've been all around this world.
We'll hook up our old snide horses, boys, And drive them out to town; We'll hook up our old snide horses, boys, And take them up to town; First old master that comes along, he'll pay us to bring them back. God knows I've been all around this world.
Come all you dido peddlers And let's go take a glass; Come all you dido peddlers And let's go take a glass; For I've swapped old Swagey. I've swapped old Swagey at last. God knows I've been all around this world.
The new railroad is finished, boys, And the cars are on the track; The new railroad is finished, boys, And the cars are on the track; And if our women leave us, money will bring them back. God knows I've been all around this world --And started round again!
The only other version I'm aware of is from Fred Woodruff of Lincoln, Arkansas - published in the following texts:
Lomax, Folk Songs of North America (1960) pp. 323-324