The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6681 Message #2113996
Posted By: Janie
29-Jul-07 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Been All Around This World
The oldest version that seems to have quite a bit in common with the one sung by Garcia is that sung by Justus Begley, vocal/banjo, Hazard, KY, for the Archive of Folk Song, Library of Congress, 17 Oct 1937: I started out from Memphis with two dollars and a dime I started out from Memphis, boys, with two dollars and a dime But I landed in old Hazard, boys, I did not have a shine Lord, I've been all around this world
I went to work on the railroad, boys, the mud up to my knees I went to work on the railroad, boys, the mud up to my knees The boss come round to boss me, boys, I done just as I pleased God knows, I been all round this world
I went up to the Midway Inn with money to shoot some dice I went up to the Midway Inn with money to shoot some dice They took from me my money, boys, I begged them for my life God knows, I've been all around this world
The new railroad is finished, boys, the cars are on the track The new railroad is finished, boys, the cars are on the track My doney girl has left me, boys, I know that she won't come back God knows, I've been all around this world
I went to the Blue Ridge Mountains and there'll I'll take my stand I went to the Blue Ridge Mountains, boys, and there I'll take my stand With a rifle on my shoulder, boys, and a six-shooter in my hands God knows, I've been all around this world
The officers came and arrested me and they take me down to jail The officers came and arrested me and they take me down to jail They said to me, old fellow, now you know you're allowed no bail God knows, I've been all around this world
They take me to the court house, boys, and there I had a crowd They take me to the court house, boys, and there I had a crowd The sentence was to hang me and leave my wife and child God knows, I've been all around this world
The sentence was to hang me, well I don't care if you do The sentence was to hang me, well I don't care if you do But look out boys, when you hang me, it's liable to injure you God knows, I've been all around this world
Father and mother, boys, and little sister make three Father and mother, boys, and little sister make three Came weeping to the gallows, boys, and see the last of me God knows, I've been all around this world
You all can sing this song, boys, when I am dead and gone You all can sing this song, boys, when I am dead and gone Just think about old Justus, boys, they sung it 'fore he was gone God knows, but he went all around this world