The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103578   Message #2114052
Posted By: SharonA
29-Jul-07 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cat Forsees Death?
Subject: RE: BS: Cat Forsees Death?
Geez, Jenny, lighten up. I'm not an ogre. I love cats! And I like them very much, too. Some people call me a cat lady. If it were possible, I would adopt all the homeless cats everywhere.

I have one because one is all I can afford right now, and because I've worked very hard with her for four years to gain her trust and acceptance and to turn her from rescued feral kitten into happy housepet.

Yes, I do consider cats to be self-serving. It amuses me to observe their behavior. It pleases me when they deign to acknowledge my existence!

Yes, I am something of a cynic AND I enjoy playing devil's advocate... AND I'm analytical. Yes, I draw conclusions based on the information available (doesn't everybody?), which in this case is what I've read. If contradictory info becomes available, I'll take it into consideration and form conclusions from the whole.

Also, I tend to write in a more formal tone than I use when speaking. Sorry if it all seems off-putting. Hope to meet you and Kat at a Gather or Getaway someday, so you can judge for yourselves whether I'm all that bad! Or ask Max or Pene Azul; they've met me and I haven't bitten either of them. Or ask Marymac or Bert; they have known me for years and as far as I know, they like me! :^)
