The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103645   Message #2114055
Posted By: jacqui.c
29-Jul-07 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: GPS systems for cars
Subject: RE: GPS systems for cars
I like our GPS - it has taken us to Albany a few times for Kendall's medical appointments and, so long as you follow the instructions to the letter, it gets us where we want to go. Maps are fine for uncomplicated journeys but, when you are trying to drive around an unfamiliar and busy city they are not a lot of help, as it can be very difficult to drive slowly enough to check street names or to pull over to recheck directions. The GPS has taken a lot of the stress out of that type of driving. (Besides which, we would end up with a whole library over time, for each separate city that we might have to visit.)

We also use it to find somewhere to eat - not all eateries are on there but it can give a good idea of where a lot of them are.

I'm still getting used to finding my way around the Greater Portland area and the GPS is great for that. My daughter and family are staying with us and feel confident going off in the car using the GPS for guidance. Great invention IMO.