The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62503   Message #2114206
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jul-07 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: Top 100 Guitarists of All Time
Subject: RE: Top 100 Guitarists of All Time
The easiest way to assess "person x"'s stature as an idiot is simply to look at his post, his use of the English language therein, and his general attitude toward others. Self-explanatory. He's definitely, undeniably an idiot.

I love the rhetorical questions...

"Are you a complete idiot or just half a one?"

Is that a trick question? Wait. Let me get a protractor, and I'll check. Be right back.

"Do you have any idea what a guitarist is let alone the greatest of all time?"

Uhh...yeah. A guitarist is someone who plays the guitar. The greatest of all time, well..."all time" isn't over yet, is it, so I think we'll have to wait on that, won't we?

"Were you high when you made this list or are you just fucked in the head?"

LOL! I love that one. It's your best rhetorical question yet. Let me answer it with another one of my own: "Were you brought up in a cave by inbred neanderthals with 6 toes on each foot or did you learn to relate to people that way later, when you went to Yale?"

"Where is Eddie Van Halen, the boys from Iron Maiden and lynyrd Skynard, what about ted nuggent or micheal schneker?"

I think they're probably on tour, except for Lynyrd Skynard. Ted Nugent might be hunting, though. You never can tell.

"Your are a dickhead who knows nothings?"

That's not even a question. It's an assertion. Nevertheless, you ended it with a question mark. Perhaps it is just a very badly worded question. The word "nothing" does not need an "s" on the end of it, and makes no sense when you put an "s" on the end of it. I also had to add a question mark to one of your above questions, which you had ended with a period. Is something seriously wrong with you? Have you considered consulting a doctor regarding your frequent episodes of incoherence? Or are you still learning English as a second language?

"And even bigger one for not changing the list even though you know it's fucked."

You see? You did it again. You left the article "an" out of your sentence. It should have read: "And an even bigger one for not changing the list even though you know it's fucked."

Get help, man. There is still time to reach a 4rth grade level of English writing proficiency before you die.

"Thank You for wasting my time in looking at list, and also thanks for the laugh."

Likewise. Thanks a bunch to you too, Roscoe! It's been very amusing. ;-D By the way, you left the word "the" out of that last sentence. It should go right in front of the word "list".