The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103327   Message #2114254
Posted By: vectis
29-Jul-07 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: Who's getting excited about Sidmouth?
Subject: RE: Who's getting excited about Sidmouth?
Bad news - I've just managed to break my right ankle so am fully plastered before my first pint.

Good News - I've got a loan of a tiny mobility scooter for the week.

Bad news - It has a range that is almost non-existant and can't be used in the wet.

Good news - I have a spare battery so can swap them to keep mobile.

Good news - I'm on the official site and can use the busses to get down into the town.

Does anybody live/knows someone who lives/staying near the festival bus stops and has space for a 3ft by fractionally over 1ft lightweight scooter and would let me charge my battery there? I am happy to recompense you for the electricity used and would be really grateful.
