The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103538   Message #2114307
Posted By: Steve Shaw
29-Jul-07 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: Real story of Vin Garbutt & Cambridge
Subject: RE: Real story of Vin Garbutt & Cambridge
The argument about other folk singers raising controversial issues, therefore it's all right for Vin to do it as well, is fallacious. Generally, folk singers have sung about and written about repressed minorities and given them some kind of voice, no matter how small. Vin Garbutt is patently not doing this by singing tendentious and emotion-laden songs about his opposition to abortion. First, he is jumping on a bandwagon. Second, his songs militate against a repressed minority. They seek to disempower still further those vulnerable women who need to have abortions and who already, in many cases, find it difficult to get what they need. Yes, need. I cannot respect him for that. It is not the same thing. He is misguided, and I would seek an assurance from him that he would leave out the anti-abortion propaganda before booking him.