The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6681 Message #2114308
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
29-Jul-07 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Been All Around This World
Subject: RE: Been All Around This World
JANIE, HERE IT IS I think!! Memory be a strange dude!! I don't know what the song was called. I think I learned it from Guy Carawan in the 1960s sometime. I used it as link to tie various songs together---usually on the fly--. The medley was never the same twice. I'd string 'em together to make a point.--- There is a song called "Black Dog" that was done on an old 78 rpm race record--as those were called back then. I do hope this is what you want!? Art
You can call me your dog when I'm gone, sweet gal, Call me your dog when I'm gone, But I come over the hill totin' a forty dollar bill, And it's baby, where you been so long.
Daddy taught me to gamble, He never told me gamblin' was a sin, Daddy taught me how to gamble, But he never did teach me to win.
He said, don't let your deal go down, Don't let your deal go down, I come over the hill totin' a 40 dollar bill And it's "Baby, where you been so long?"