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Thread #103514   Message #2114520
Posted By: GUEST,David
30-Jul-07 - 05:09 AM
Thread Name: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Subject: RE: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Reply to Weelittledrummer,
You are factually wrong.The USA led coalition is still bombing hell out of the country.
US troops are shooting up civilian neighbourhoods and waging a racist war on the Iraqi poulation and of course there are large numbers of mercenary so called "contractors " in the country who are also waging their own privatised war.
The headlines concentrate on the sectarian bombings but when the recent US "surge" took place in Baghdad the troops were not out surfing or even winning hearts and minds :they were smashing up residential areas.
The chaos ,barbarism and the carnage leads like a hangman's rope directly to the invasion.Its been murder and mayhem for all including the large number of coalition troops brought home in bodybags or now languishing with little help in Veterans hospitals. Of course in the UK the military hospitals have largely been closed down.
ps I am sure that the Iraqi people are very grateful for the invasion putting an end to the sanctions.Its a shame that what followed has turned out to be an even greater catastrophe to the people of Iraq who had the misfortune to be walking on land which contains America's oil....