The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20308   Message #211457
Posted By: Pei T
13-Apr-00 - 09:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do Americans know II
Subject: RE: BS: Do Americans know II
I know I came upon this thread late, and I'm usually a lurker on the DT (though I've been one for about three years now, off and on).. But I HAVE to say something on this one..

I understand COMPLETELY where Kelida is coming from, but I also kind of agree with Mbo (nice use of gaelic _&_ Les Mis there! :)) My step-mother (a wonderful woman who has put as much emotionally into my upbringing as my biological mother) just turned 60, and often mitches about today's society (mostly those of us under 25) and how "useless" it (they) is (are).

Just a reminder for some of you adults out there. In high school today sex is considered passee (sp?!) pot is an expected at a party, unless the host/ess specifically invites only people s/he knows will not be so interested. What was considered "fringe" when todays college/high school students parents were their age is now considered normal.

We have to open our eyes and loose that wonderful innocence that you expect to see in a 16 year olds face really early. You can't NOT know what's out there anymore (unless you happen to live in THE smallest most innocent town in the world). You have to learn to say NO and say it loud and clear, you have to learn that no matter how much you love him, and how many times he says, "if you love me baby" sex is precious, but can be horrible (mentally/physically/emotionally), even when consenting, if you're not ready. You have to learn all of this, and do it mostly with the help of people who are learning it too, because a lot of parents today (and from what I've read here, this doesn't count for the DT) come home and are too tired and wrapped up in their own lives to listen to their children for 10 minutes. You get burnt out facing those realities when you're in high school. You have enough to deal with!!!

But Kalida, Mbo is right, don't give up hope, and don't be angry just to be angry.. There is so much good that can still be done, and so much wonder still in the world.. "An it harm none.." it's a wonderful phrase, but keep in mind what is often joined with it, the law of three.. If you send out only anger, you get it back, and then some. So be angry that there is hurt, but help. So be angry that there is pain, but heal.

Just my two bits RR