The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103538   Message #2114622
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
30-Jul-07 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: Real story of Vin Garbutt & Cambridge
Subject: RE: Real story of Vin Garbutt & Cambridge
I suppose you're right Captain. I do have this problem of being self righteous - on account of me always being right.

I'm probably the last person who should be airing my views on this subject - apart from Vin Garbutt. He's last; I'm second to last.

As for it not being a bandwagon - I wouldn't be so sure. lotta catholics out there - it hasn't done the Pope any harm. Some of them DO see English society as hopelessly lacking in spiritual values, and they feel isolated.

Personally I always see that as an unfair assessment of a country where we have tried to imbue many of our social services with a spirit that comes straight from the sermon on the mount.

I do think when we say - this sort of thing doesn't matter. we are betraying some spirit of liberalism that runs deep in our folkmusic revival. In a recent interview (can't lay my hands on it, but its in the Guitarist magazine book of interviews with acoustic guitarists) Carthy described his feelings when a Cambridge crowd boo-ed a young duo who had written an anti war song about the Falklands soon after the conflict. Carthy said that he and Norma just realised that the wheel had turned full cycle and the whole folk movement was now totally depoliticised.

I think I felt something similar thirty years or so ago when Vin came up with this song. Its not a barricade I want to be behind, and I won't fight for his right to say what he's saying in this case.