The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103514   Message #2114711
Posted By: GUEST,David
30-Jul-07 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Subject: RE: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
If you are referring to my statement above saying that the US is still bombing the hell out of Iraq let me refer you to the International Herald Tribune article of the 5th June 2007 which states that the rate of bombing by the US has doubled since last year.

The US is unable to win the ground war and hence its reliance on 500 pound bombs in often urban areas to smash the Iraqis resistance.But lets be honest here, George Bush said soon after the invasion "Bring em on!" and posed in front of a massive war banner which read "Mission Accomplished.
Well ,mission has not been accomplished ;the Iraqis keep coming on and US casualties in the dead and maimed have soared.Bush is now reviled in the USA and all those who have lost their sons and daughters in the carnage must be asking did they die for that buffoon or for some other cause?