The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103514   Message #2114742
Posted By: GUEST,David
30-Jul-07 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Subject: RE: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Well I have to concede to Weelittledrummer that I have never been to Iraq carrying a gun in my hand or otherwise.The same applies to almost every foreign soldier who has been sent to that country.

I have, however ,opposed the invasion and joined the million plus march against the war in February 2003. I have raised money for the Charity Medical Aid For Iraqi Children.I have also campaigned for Iraqis to gain refuge in this country.The Independent today reported that some 4 million Iraqis are now refugees from the chaos unleashed by Bush and Blair.
I know I am not alone in calling the attack on Iraq by the US a racist war. Many US soldiers are quite open in their contempt for the Iraqi people calling them "Hajis ,towelheads" and much more.Come on man,you have seen those grim photographs of the torture and mistreatment od Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib.And there has been so much more.
Who the hell is trying to ignite righteous anger in your heart? Not me.I am posting here to add weight to the case that Galloway did not get a fair hearing in Parliament and the real war criminals are walking free and in some cases preparing for the next attack on another oil rich country in the region.