The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6681   Message #2115228
Posted By: Janie
30-Jul-07 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Been All Around This World
Subject: RE: Been All Around This World

It is certainly frustrating when I am looking for something so specific that I know is here but can not find. For someone as knowledgable as you, who is a careful and skillful researcher, and who also shares so freely of your time and knowledge, it must sometimes feel like you are casting pearls before swine.

For a dilettante like me, however, there are bonuses even with an unsuccessful search. I ran across a bunch of information not related to what I was looking for that I found interesting and educational. For example, I had never realized there is a link uptop to all the 'origin' threads. I found myself opening up threads on a number of songs and really enjoyed reading all the history and information. You were the source for a lot of that information. There are a handful of you here on the 'Cat who are true scholars of the music. I think I am echoing what others have said before when I say that the rest of us often ride along on your coat-tails, with joy and gratitude. Please don't ever think that you are wasting your time and knowledge.
