The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103683   Message #2115336
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
31-Jul-07 - 05:22 AM
Thread Name: Rogues Gallery - Sea songs etc.
Subject: RE: Rogues Gallery - Sea songs etc.
No probs, Greg. To be honest I couldn't realy give a shit what other people think of what I like. I just find it fascinating when people feel the need to piss on someone elses parade. Is it anything to do with the need to feel superior?

I must admit that, sticking to a sea song theme, I was forced into the unpleasent situation of reviewing an album by, I think, the Croyden Shanty Men. I found it particularly dull and boring but managed to find something positive to say, difficult as that was. I do sing the odd shanty or two myself but I think my idea of hell would be having to sit through a full session of landlocked wannabees trawling through hell and high water at a Maritime festival.

I know it is my own tastes that prevented me from enjoying it. Much the same way that I am told some jazz and opera is very good but, because I do not like it, I cannot realy enjoy it. I find it offends my ear:-( I would never dream of calling it crap though. Particularly if someone had alrady said they like it and I had not been invited to comment in the first place. As someone once told me many years ago. If you cannot say something good, say nothing.

But, each to his or her own. May you long remain happy in the full and certain knowledge that the music you like is only of the best quality. I am sure it makes you a better person:-)

