The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103510   Message #2115537
Posted By: manitas_at_work
31-Jul-07 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: Who's for Wareham this year?
Subject: RE: Who's for Wareham this year?
Wye, if you don't know the Wey find a yourself a Gade who knows about Fossdyke Navigation. If you need Arun to the Looe it may be because you've had a foul Brue or something Quaire and are suffering from Blackwater. It may even be Browney. Your doctor may take a Test and prescribe a Pyl to Chew or, if you're really under Par, a Horsey Pill. Till then Yure best bet Ise to get some fresh Aire and then you'll be Blythe and in Mint condition.