The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103720   Message #2115992
Posted By: Becca72
31-Jul-07 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
We banned smoking here in the States quite awhile ago now (2,3 years??) and at first the numbers of customers did drop a little bit. BUT, the nonsmokers who had been staying away because they didn't want to deal with the smoke started coming in, and the smokers eventually tired of their "Protest" and came back around. We had the same panicked "you can't ban smoking in bars or we'll go out of business!!" attitude here. And while I'm sure a small number did close the vast marjority are doing just as well if not better 2 or 3 years later.