The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103510   Message #2116096
Posted By: Severn
31-Jul-07 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: Who's for Wareham this year?
Subject: RE: Where's for Who-ram this year?
They say one of the greatest honors for a doctor is to have a disease named after him. Looks like Severn a/k/a Doc Savage, Man Of Bronze and Brainze has achieved that lofty status. Of corpse, I haven't found a proper way to cure it yet, not even Hickory Smoke, so I'd best start a charitable organization. But I'm kinda new at this Doctor biz, so I want to know if this hits epidemic proportions and climbs the charts for a while before it flatlines, can I collect royalties?

If not, it's no big thing, because if us Yanks really wanted royalties, we'd still be a colony. Hell, we don't even want our President! We DO want back our form of government, but I

"Severnitis" probably best looked at in the same manner the Blues Singers tend to talk about "The Boogie Disease":

"The Doctor says I might get better, but I won't get well!"......

....but I doubt it will be all THAT contagious, because Wareham supposedly only deals in Unaccompanied Maladies reportedly only cureable by Folk Medicine, though a lot of them HAVE individually tended to linger on for hundreds of years. So, as they say in the folk songs:

"What can't cured, love
Has to be endured, love...."