The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103732   Message #2116396
Posted By: The Sandman
01-Aug-07 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: Morris segregation
Subject: Morris segregation
In my opinion,Morris dancings image needs to be improved with the general public.
Dancing standards need to be improved to do this.
the desegregation of Male Morris sides,is one way to acheive this,by utilising the best women and men morris dancers in the same side [where geographically possible]you are increasing your statistical chance[by using a greater pool] of providing a better display.
The morris federation,has as one of their aims,theimprovement of standards,The Morris Ring[As far as Ican see from their site]has as their aim to encourage the performance of morris and to maintain its history and traditions.
Open Morris have as their aim, like the Morris federation,the allowing of alldancers male or female and or mixed ,they also believe Morris dancing should be fun.
can we discuss amicably.