The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6681   Message #2117067
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
01-Aug-07 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Been All Around This World
From the Fife American Collection, 42 volumes.

Coll. Bob Duncan

Way up on the Osage mountain where the wind blows chilly and cold,
Way up on the Osage mountain where the wind blows chilly and cold,
Where I hid out last winter, starved and very nearly froze;
Lord knows, I've been all around this world.

Way up on the Osage mountains, It's there I made my stand,
Way up on the Osage mountains, it's there I made my stand,
With a Winchester on my saddle, and a six-shooter in each hand.
Lord knows, I've been all around this world.

They arrested me on Broadway Street and there they made me stand,
They arrested me on Broadway Street and there they made me stand,
With a six-shooter in my face and shackles on my hands.
Lord knows, I've been all around this world.

Well, I took off my overcoat and I hung it on my wall,
Well, I took off my overcoat and I hung it on my wall,
Whipped out two six-shooters, God knows I made them bawl.
Lord knows, I've been all around this world.

Oh hang me, oh hang me, oh hang me good and high,
Oh hang me, oh hang me, oh hang me good and high,
And telegraph to mother to come and see me die.
Lord knows, I've been all around this world.

There's mother and father, little sister she counts three,
There's mother and father, little sister she counts three,
To follow down to the gallows and see the last of me.
Lord knows, I've been all around this world.

The railroad is finished, the cars is on the track,
The railroad is finished and the cars is on the track,
Just telegraph to mother, her money will bring me back.
Lord knows, I've been all around this world.

With music score, pp. 251-252, No. 92.
Austin E. and Alta S. Fife, 1969 (1982 ed. by Bramhall House, NY), "Cowboy and Western Songs, A Comprehensive Anthology."

The Fife American Collection is housed at Utah State University.