The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103514   Message #2117261
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
02-Aug-07 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Subject: RE: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
To weelittledrummer:

Well you have managed to write quite a few paragraphs without mentioning Galloway by name.

I don't think anyone who has written on Mudcat in his defence idolises him. However,when it came to the matter of war and peace he stood out in opposition to the invasion of Iraq.

There was no clamour across the world for Iraq to be invaded.The scheme was hatched by Bush and his gang of recycled Reaganites,Pentagon chiefs and Texas Oil bosses. In this he was aided and supported by Blair . I doubt if the scheme could have gone ahead without this support.

And they could not get the support of most mainstream politicians across the world.Even a right wing french president would not support this adventure.

And there was huge wave of grassroots anti war movement that did its utmost to stop the invasion.

Bush and Blair lied like mad to go to war and to try to convince the world that their invasion was inevitable and proper.

The War gang have done their utmost to punish or marginalise those who opposed their invasion and Galloway has been in their sights for quite some time and I am sure they are still out to finish him off.

This is not just about defending Galloway it is about whether we allow a powerful gang off warhawks to have unfettered opportunities to terrorise people,invade countries ,support despotic regimes,supply vast amounts of arms and make huge profits at the expense of populations across the world.