The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103720   Message #2117298
Posted By: Folkiedave
02-Aug-07 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
In March 2007 CAMRA reported 56 closures a month.

so there would have to be an increase on that for the smoking ban to have had an effect.

Many morris teams and folkies will have stories of pubs refusing business.

Here's mine - I rang up a pub landlady and said we were thinking of dancing outside the pub - with a group of others - total about 40 extra people. I thought I would be helping the pub to cope. "There's be glasses to wash, you'll be wanting drinks, etc etc....".

We went elsewhere.......

Thought for a thread.......