The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103754   Message #2117822
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
02-Aug-07 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Verbal Contracts
Subject: RE: Folklore: Verbal Contracts
Employment contracts are often unwritten, and are thus the terms are implied.

In British Columbia, legislation makes it implicit that there is a contract of employment for every employed individual. "The terms of a verbal contract of employment will be made up of the representations made to you by the employer prior to taking the job, plus terms which are implied into every contract of employment by law." It is further stated that terms of employment will not be changed in a fundamental manner without either your consent or reasonable notice to you of those proposed changes.
Information is provided on verbal contracts involving employment is given online by and applies to contracts in British Columbia.
Verbal contracts re support are made or implied in common law marriages.