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Thread #103514   Message #2117860
Posted By: Teribus
02-Aug-07 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Subject: RE: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
No really, to get back to the subject of the thread:

"Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing?"

The question mark is mine - Yes of course he did.

It was the most thorough parliamentary examination ever conducted if reports are to be believed. The fact that he was made to sit and actually listen to evidence presented against him, sort of threw him off stride, and in comparison to his usual performances, it must have upset the poor lad a tad, but what the hell you roll with life's punches - Not gorgeous George , or his supporters. They are actually beginning to suffer, not surprisingly, from the thing that killed Saddam - They are actually beginning to believe their own publicity.

The evidence, and I use that word advisedly, is sufficient for the Police to start an investigation into the affairs of "Gorgeous George". Personally I welcome it, because now it must stand the rigours of Law. The investigating Parliamentary Committee demanded that George publicly apologised to the reporter from "The Daily Telegraph", who GG defamed under the protection of Parliamentary Rules - Has he done that yet? No, of course he hasn't, nor will he.

Come on all you leftist "salts of the earth", you all know that when you guys are proved to be in the wrong you all hold yours hands up and admit your mistakes - Like Hell - And Gorgeous George ain't any different - Now We All Know That - Do You?