The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103764   Message #2118669
Posted By: Azizi
03-Aug-07 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Infrequently Asked Questions
Subject: RE: BS: Infrequently Asked Questions
Here's a question "What does "Britlike the serovei" mean?

And here's the answer-Nothing. It's just a poor cut & paste job.

I guess I'm lucky that I didn't forget to delete the name of my bestest most secret admirer.

You'd never guess who is it. So don't even try. 'Cause even if you did guess, I wouldn't be able to confirm that you're right cause then it wouldn't be a secret any longer.

So mums the word.

Though I can't imagine what my mum has to do any of this.

Moving right along, does anyone else have any questions that he or she wants to share?