The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103801   Message #2118676
Posted By: Stewart
03-Aug-07 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: Sunnycamp September 28 to 30
Subject: RE: Su nnycamp September 28 to 30
Bob, I agree with you, and Mary does also. So how about #116? No, just kidding. I think feeding the blue books to the lodge fireplace is the best remedy (that's what we did at John Dwyer's memorial service). But the nice thing about Mary's camp is that you can recruit your own group of singers/musicians to have your own jam or whatever - it's sufficiently unstructured and unplanned, but it seems to work. Or you can just go down to the bay shore with a beautiful view and be inspired to just sing or play music on your own.

Anyway, Mary, you can count on me and my hammered dulcimer-playing spouse to come. I think this will be our third time.

Cheers, S. in Seattle