The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103720   Message #2119189
Posted By: Ernest
04-Aug-07 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
Big Mick,
I don`t understand why you want to prevent smoking outdoors. Thats the place where it can be avoided easiest and where the smoke disappears very fast. In a room it stays much longer.

And I think you are missing Bills point. This ban has been discussed in the public for some years and it was easily forseeable that the legislator would take steps and introduce regulations if there would be no voluntary agreements (Here in Germany the Publicians Association even took the initiative and made propaganda among its members that restaurants should voluntarily introduce a certain (small) percentage of non-smoking tables for each restaurant. The results of that initiative have been so ridiculously low that they weren`t even published). So there was a choice: either make your own decisions or have the legislature make them for you.

And yes, business is private property. Still it is no legal vacuum. You aren`t allowed to kill, injure, cheat etc. someone just because this happens in your private property.

Besides, if you want to stay in that picture: It is the smokers responsibility to keep their cancerogeous smoke out of my lungs, clothes etc. These are MY private property ;0)
